Gundam Breaker Battlogue is an ONA series that originally streamed online in 2021. The series was directed by Masami Obari, with mechanical designs by Kanetake Ebikawa, Kunio Okawara, Naohiro Washio and Kyoshi Takigawa. Inspired by the Gundam Breaker Mobile video game, the series features characters engaging in Gunpla Battle matches using computer scans of their custom Gunpla. However, the battles are disrupted by a masked man’s hacking that immobilizes players and steals their Gunpla data. The series streamed internationally on’s YouTube channel, but it has not been released yet on home video in North America.
Mobile Weapons
* ASW-G-08-4X4 Gundam Barbataurus
* Enzian
* GNT-0000SDV Gundam 00 Command Qan[T]
* Gundam Barbaric
* JMF-1337B Blazing Gundam
* MBF-P0S Gundam Astray Red Frame Inversion
* MS-07B-3S Gouf Crimson Custom
* MSB-GH03 Gundam Helios
* RX-79[G]GUCT Gundam Ground Urban Combat Type
* XXXG-00W0SKY Wing Gundam Sky Zero
* XXXG-01L2 Gundam Livelance Heaven
* ZGMF-X20A-PF Gundam Perfect Strike Freedom
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam Breaker Battlogue Info
Masami Obari
So Mayumi
Yuichiro Kitaoka
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Kyoshi Takigawa
Kunio Okawara
Naohiro Washio
Kotaro Ando
Kyoryu Kuramochi
Character Designer(s):
Kenichi Ohnuki
Shuri Toda
Yuriko Chiba
Musical Composer:
6 shorts
Internet Release:
Japan 10.19.2021 – 11.23.2021
Global 10.19.2021 – 11.23.2021