Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C. – The Bonds of the Bloodline is a manga series released exclusively in Japan in 2006. It is an adaptation of the Sony PlayStation 2 video game Mobile Suit Gundam Climax U.C. Written by Koujiro Nakamura and illustrated by Takashi Morita, it was serialized in Dengeki Hobby Magazine and Set at various points throughout the Universal Century timeline, the story focuses on three generations of the Tachibana family.Â
Mobile Weapons
* F71 G-Cannon
* F90V Gundam F90 V-Type
* F90II-L Gundam F90II L-Type
* MSA-003 Nemo
* NRX-044 Asshimar
* RGM-79 GM
* RGM-89 Jegan
* RGM-122 Javelin Prototype
* RGZ-91 Re-GZ
* RMS-106 Hi-Zack
* RMS-108 Marasai
* RMS-179 GM II
* RX-78-2 Gundam
* RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Type
Vehicles and Support Units
* Dodai Custom
* Dogosse Giar class (Dogosse Giar)
* Fanfan
* Gettar
* M353A4 Bloodhound
* Magellan class
* Ra Cailum class (Ra Cailum)
* Salamis class
Mobile Weapons
* AMS-119 Geara Doga
* AMX-002 Neue Ziel
* MS-06F Zaku II
* MS-09 Dom
* MS-14A Gelgoog
* MSM-04 Acguy
* MSM-07S Char’s Z’Gok
* MSN-04 Sazabi
* RX-78GP02A Gundam GP02A Physalis
Vehicles and Support Units
* Musai class
Mobile Weapons
* XM-01 Den’an-Zon
* XM-03 Ebirhu-S
* XM-05 Berga-Giros
Vehicles and Support Units
Zamouth Ada
* Zamouth Garr class
* Zamouth Giri class
* Zamouth Jeth class
* Zamouth Nada class
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.