Mobile Suit Gundam: We’re Federation Hooligans!! is a manga series released exclusively in Japan from 2007-2009. Written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Sono, it was serialized in Gundam Ace magazine. Set during the One Year War in UC 0079, the story focuses on the Earth Federation Forces’ Nemesis Instructor Corps and a conspiracy within the military. It was followed by the sequel manga Mobile Suit Gundam Katana: Bond of the Battlefield UC 0084.
Mobile Weapons
* RGM-79 GM
* RGM-79C GM Type C
* RGM-79FP GM Striker
* RGM-79L GM Light Armor
* RGM-79SP GM Sniper II
* RMV-1 Guntank II
* RX-77-2 Guncannon
* RX-77-4 Guncannon II
* RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type
* RX-78XX Gundam Pixy
Vehicles and Support Units
* Big Tray class
* C-88 Medea
* CB-X5 Gunperry
* Columbus class
* Depp Rog
* Dish
* FF-4 Toriares
* FF-X7Bst-II Core Booster II Intercept Type
* G-Armor
* Lightliner
* M353A4 Bloodhound
* Magellan class
* Medea
* Missile Car
* Salamis class
* Samson
* Type 61 Tank
Mobile Weapons
* EMS-05 Acg
* MS-05B Zaku I
* MS-05L Zaku I Sniper Type
* MS-06F Zaku II
* MS-06FS Zaku II FS
* MS-06FZ Zaku II FZ
* MS-06K Zaku Cannon
* MS-06V Zaku Tank
* MS-06W Worker Zaku
* MS-07B Gouf
* MSM-04G Juaggu
* MSM-04N Agg Guy
* MSM-08 Zogok
* MSM-10 Zock
Vehicles and Support Units
* Dabude class
* Dodai II
* Dopp
* Gaw
* HT-01B Magella Attack
* PVN.4/3 Wappa
* YS-11 Dodai YS
* Zanzibar class
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
We’re Federation Hooligans!! Info
Yoshihiro Sono
Yoshihiro Sono
5 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 04.xx.2007 – 06.xx.2009