Izumo class (Gundam SEED DESTINY)

General and Technical Data Class: IzumoShips of the line: Izumo, Kusanagi, Tsukyomi, SusanooUnit type: battleshipManufacturer: Morgenroete, IncOperator: Orb Union/Three Ships AllianceFirst deployment: unknownDimensions: overall length 290 metersWingspan: unknownWeight: unknownPropulsion: unknownEquipment and design features: sensors, range unknownFixed armaments: 2 ...

Girty Lue class (Girty Lue)

General and Technical Data Class: Girty LueName: Girty LueShips of the line: Girty Lue, Nana BulukuUnit type: battleshipManufacturer: Earth AllianceOperator: Earth AllianceFirst deployment: 2 October C.E. 73Dimensions: overall length 380.0 meters; overall ...


Wings extended Wings folded Equipped with space booster Wings extended Wings folded Equipped with space booster General and Technical Data Class: N/AName: LHM-BB01 MinervaUnit type: battleshipManufacturer: ZAFT (Zodiac ...

MBF-M1+EF-24R M1 Astray Shrike

General and Technical Data Model number: MBF-M1+EF-24Code name: M1 Astray ShrikeUnit type: mass production general purpose mobile suitManufacturer: Morgenroete, IncOperator: Orb UnionFirst deployment: unknownAccommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in ...

YMAG-X7F Gells-Ghe

Ground mode Flight mode Ground mode Flight mode General and Technical Data Model number: YMAG-X7FCode name: Gells-GheUnit type: experimental attack use mobile armorManufacturer: Adukurf Mechano-IndustriesOperator: Earth AllianceFirst deployment: C.E. ...

YMAF-X6BD Zamza-Zah

Claws extended Claws retracted Claws extended Claws retracted General and Technical Data Model number: YMAF-X6BDCode name: Zamza-ZahUnit type: experimental attack use mobile armorManufacturer: Adukurf Mechano-IndustriesOperator: Earth AllianceFirst deployment: C.E. ...

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