Mobile Fighter G Gundam is a manga series released in Japan from 1994-1995. It is an adaptation of the TV series of the same name. Written and illustrated by Koichi Tokita, it was serialized in Comic BomBom magazine. Set in FC 60, the 13th Gundam Fight begins to determine who will control space for the next four years. The story focuses on Neo Japan Gundam Fighter Domon Kasshu, who is fighting his way through the tournament while pursuing a personal agenda. The manga compresses the story of the TV series and features two original mecha designs. The manga was released in English in North America by TOKYOPOP, but it is now out of print.
Mobile Weapons
* GF4-001NE Pharaoh Gundam IV
* GF13-001NH Kowloon Gundam
* GF13-001NHII Master Gundam
* GF13-002NGR Zeus Gundam
* GF13-003NEL John Bull Gundam
* GF13-006NA Gundam Maxter
* GF13-009NF Gundam Rose
* GF13-011NC Dragon Gundam
* GF13-012NN Viking Gundam
* GF13-013NR Bolt Gundam
* GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam
* GF13-017NJII God Gundam
* GF13-020NK Zebra Gundam
* GF13-021NG Gundam Spiegel
* GF13-026ND Mermaid Gundam
* GF13-030NIN Cobra Gundam
* GF13-037NCA Lumber Gundam
* GF13-039NP Jester Gundam
* GF13-041NSI Asura Gundam
* GF13-045NSP Matador Gundam
* GF13-047NMA Skull Gundam
* GF13-049NM Tequila Gundam
* GF13-050NSW Nobell Gundam
GF13-050NSWII Super Nobell Gundam
* GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII
* GF13-055NI Neros Gundam
* GF13-066NO Nether Gundam
Mobile Weapons
* Death Army
* GF13-001NHII Master Gundam
* Grand Gundam
* Grand Master Gundam
* Gundam Heaven’s Sword
* JDG-00X Devil Gundam
* Walter Gundam
Vehicles and Support Units
* Fuunsaiki
* Gundam Head
Mobile Weapons
* 29H-S-MS Murphy
Gun Magna
* JMF-1336R Rising Gundam
* JMS-60 Busshi
* Ultimate Gundam
Mobile Weapons
* Shuffle Clubs
* Shuffle Diamond
* Shuffle Joker
* Shuffle Spade
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
G Gundam Info
Koichi Tokita
Koichi Tokita
3 volumes
Manga Release:
Japan 04.01.1994 – 04.01.1995
U.S. 06.17.2003 – 10.07.2003