MSM-07Di Ze’Gok

Equipped with Mobile Diver System Mobile Diver First Armament Mobile Diver Second Armament Mobile Diver Third Armament Equipped with Mobile Diver System Mobile ...

MS-06S Reconnaissance Zaku II

General and Technical Data Model number: MS-06SCode name: Reconnaissance Zaku IIUnit type: reconnaissance mobile suitManufacturer: Zeonic CompanyOperator: Principality of ZeonFirst deployment: UC 0079Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torsoDimensions: unknownWeight: unknownArmor ...

MA-05Ad Big Rang

General and Technical Data Model number: MA-05AdCode name: Big RangUnit type: combat support mobile armorManufacturer: Principality of ZeonOperator: Principality of ZeonFirst deployment: 31 December UC 0079Accommodation: pilot only, in standard ...


CG version Lineart version CG version Lineart version General and Technical Data Class: unknownName: MuspelheimShips of the line: Jotunheim, MuspelheimUnit type: support shipManufacturer: Principality of ZeonOperator: Principality of ZeonRollout: unknownFirst deployment: unknownDimensions: overall ...

QCX-76A Jormungand

General and Technical Data Model number: QCX-76ACode name: JormungandUnit type: super-large fusion plasma gunManufacturer: Principality of ZeonOperator: Principality of ZeonFirst deployment: 15 January UC 0079Accommodation: gunner only, at control console ...

OP-02c Observation Pod

General and Technical Data Model number: OP-02cCode name: Observation PodUnit type: unmanned reconnaissance podManufacturer: Principality of ZeonOperator: Principality of ZeonFirst deployment: unknownAccommodation: unknownDimensions: overall length 231.0 metersWeight: unknownArmor materials: unknownPowerplant: unknownPropulsion: unknownPerformance: unknownEquipment and design features: sensors, ...

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