Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is a TV series that aired in Japan from 1986-1987. It is the direct sequel to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and picks up shortly after where its predecessor left of. Yoshiyuki Tomino served once again as director, with a staff that included character designer Hiroyuki Kitazume, returning composer Shigeaki Saegusa and a mechanical design team that featured Mika Akitaka, Makoto Kobayashi, Yutaka Izubuchi, Hajime Katoki and more. Set in UC 0088, the AEUG has been devastated from the three-way Gryps War with the Earth Federation’s Titans task force and Haman Karn’s Axis Zeon. Having lost its ace Newtype pilot, the AEUG turns to brash teenager Judau Ashta and his friends to carry on the fight against the rebranded Neo Zeon. In contrast to its predecessor, Gundam ZZ featured a much lighter tone during its first half. After the conclusion of Gundam ZZ in 1987, it was followed by the first original Gundam theatrical feature, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack. The series is available on home video in North America from Nozomi Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk-II
* FA-010S Full Armor ZZ Gundam
* MSA-003 Nemo
* MSA-005 Methuss
* MSN-00100 Hyaku-Shiki
* MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam
* MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam
* MSZ-010S Enhanced ZZ Gundam
* RMS-179 GM II
* RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
Vehicles and Support Units
* Argama class (Argama)
* Dodai Custom
* FXA-00 Flying Armor
* FXA-07GB Neo Core Fighter
* FXA-08R Mega Rider
* Garuda class (Audhumla)
* Helicopter
* Nahel Argama
* Salamis class (modified)
* Space Bus
* Space Launch
* Suits Carrier
Mobile Weapons
* AMA-01X Jamru Fin
* AMX-003 Gaza-C
* AMX-004 Qubeley
* AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk-II
* AMX-004-3 Qubeley Mk-II
* AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type
* AMX-006 Gaza-D
* AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn
* AMX-009 Dreissen
* AMX-011 Zaku III
* AMX-011S Zaku III Custom
* AMX-014 Doven Wolf
* AMX-015 Geymalk
* AMX-101 Galluss-J
* AMX-102 Zssa
* AMX-103 Hamma-Hamma
* AMX-104 R-Jarja
* AMX-107 Bawoo
* AMX-109 Capule
* AMX-117L Gaz-L
* AMX-117R Gaz-R
* MRX-010 Psycho Gundam Mk-II
* MS-06D Desert Zaku
* MS-06F Zaku II
* MS-09G Dwadge
* MS-09H Dwadge Custom
* MS-14J ReGelgu
* NRX-044 Asshimar
* NZ-000 Queen Mansa
* RMS-099B Schuzrum Dias
* RMS-106 Hi-Zack
* RMS-108 Marasai
* RMS-119 EWAC Zack
* RMS-192M Zaku Mariner
Vehicles and Support Units
* Base Jabber
* Cargo Ship
* Endra class
* Garuda class
* Gettar
* Gwanban class
* Sadalahn class
* Space Bus
* Space Crane Ship
* Zaku Tanker
Mobile Weapons
* MS-06D Desert Zaku
* MS-09G Dwadge
* MS-14A Gelgoog
* RMS-119 EWAC Zack
Vehicles and Support Units
* Zaku Tanker
Mobile Weapons
* Catol
* Geze
* Middle Mobile Suit
* MS-05B Zaku I
* MS-06V Zaku Tank
* MS-14A Gelgoog
* MSM-03 Gogg
* MSM-04 Acguy
* MSM-04N Agg Guy
* MSM-07 Z’Gok
* MSM-08 Zogok
* Petite Mobile Suit
Vehicles and Support Units
* Cassiopeia
* Jupitris class (Jupitris II)
* La Vie en Rose class
* Missile Car
* Space Cargo Ship
NOTE:Â Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam ZZ Info
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Yumiko Suzuki
Minoru Onoya
Hidemi Kamata
Meigo Endo
Ken Terasawa
Mechanical Designer(s):
Mika Akitaka
Makoto Kobayashi
Hideo Okamoto
Yutaka Izubuchi
Hajime Katoki
Yoshinori Sayama
Masahiko Asano
Mamoru Nagano
Character Designer:
Hiroyuki Kitazume
Musical Composer:
Shigeaki Saegusa
47 episodes
Japan 03.01.1986 – 01.31.1987