Gundam Build Divers is a TV series that aired in Japan and streamed internationally in 2018. The series was directed by Shinya Watada and written by Noboru Kimura, with mechanical designs by Kanetake Ebikawa, Ippei Gyoubu and Kunio Okawara, character designs by Shuri Toida and a score by Hideakira Kimura. In this series, Gundam fans across the world participate in an MMO called Gunpla Battle Nexus Online (GBN). Gunpla newcomer Riku Mikami and his friends create a team called the Build Divers to explore GBN, which is now beset by cheating and strange glitches. The series was followed a year later by the sequel Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE. The TV series streamed internationally and is available on home video from Nozomi Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* AGE-IIMG Gundam AGEII Magnum
* AGE-IIMG-SV Gundam AGEII Magnum (SV ver.)
* AGMF-X56S/a Impulse Gundam Arc
* AGMF-X56S/l Impulse Gundam Lancier
* GBN-GF01 GBN-Guard Frame
* GBN-GF/RX78 GBN-Base Gundam
* GF13-017NJ/B Gundam Shining Break
* GH-001RB Grimoire Red Beret
* GN-0000DVR Gundam 00 Diver
* GN-0000DVR/A Gundam 00 Diver Ace
* GN-0000DVR/S Gundam 00 Sky
* GN-0000DVR/S/HWS Gundam 00 Sky Heavy Weapon System
* GN-1001N Seravee Gundam Scheherazade
* GNX-803OG Ogre GN-X
* HER-SELF Mobile Doll Sarah
* MBF-PNN Gundam Astray No-Name
* OZ-06MS[NPD] Leo NPD
* PEN-01M Momokapool
* RB-79PP Polypodball
* RGM-86RBM GM III Beam Master
* RGM-89BM Jegan Blast Master
* RMS-117G11 Galbaldy Rebake
* RX-78GP02R Gundam GP-Rase-Two
* RX-78TB-2[SB] Gundam Stormbringer
* RX-零 RX-Zeromaru
* RX-零/覚醒 RX-Zeromaru (Shinki Kessho)
* xvt-mmc Geara Ghirarga
* XXXG-01S2龍虎 Gundam Jiyan Altron
* YG-III Gundam G-Else
* ZGMF-X20A-LP Gundam Love Phantom
Mobile Weapons
* AGE-IIMG Gundam AGEII Magnum
* GH-001RB Grimoire Red Beret
Mobile Weapons
* GN-0000DVR/A Gundam 00 Diver Ace
* MBF-PNN Gundam Astray No-Name
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam Build Divers Info
Shinya Watada
Noboru Kimura
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kunio Okawara
Kanetake Ebikawa
Junya Ishigaki
Junichi Akutsu
Kenji Teraoka
Ippei Gyoubu
Naohiro Washio
Takayuki Yanase
Character Designer:
Shuri Toida
Musical Composer:
Hideakira Kimura
1 episode (prologue), 25 episodes (TV)
Japan 04.03.2018 – 09.25.2018
Streaming 04.03.2018 – 09.25.2018