Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE is a TV series that aired across two seasons in Japan from 2019-2020. It is the sequel to the 2018 TV series Gundam Build Divers. Shinya Watada returned as director, along with most of the staff from the previous series. Two years have passed since the previous series, and Gunpla Battle Nexus Online has evolved with new challenges and missions. A lone Diver named Hiroto Kuga crosses paths with three other Divers, making for an unlikely team exploring a strange game world that seems to have nothing to do with Gundam. The broadcast of the second season was briefly delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Several months after the series ended, it was followed by the one-shot ONA Gundam Build Divers Battlogue. The series streamed internationally and is available on home video in North America from Nozomi Entertainment.
Mobile Weapons
* AGE-TRYMAG Gundam TRY AGE Magnum
* AGMF-X56S/a Impulse Gundam Arc
* AGMF-X56S/l Impulse Gundam Lancier
* Ex Valkylander
* GAT-X303K Gundam Aegis Knight
* GF13-017NJ/B Gundam Shining Break
* GH-001RB Grimoire Red Beret
* GN-0000DVR/SM Gundam 00 Sky Moebius
* GN-1001N Seravee Gundam Scheherazade
* GNX-803DG Do-Ji GN-X
* HER-SELF Mobile Doll May
* HER-SELF Mobile Doll Sarah
* JMA0530-MAY Wodom Pod
* JMA0530-MAYBD Wodom Pod +
* MHF-01DR Load Astray Double Rebake
* MSF-007TE Gundam Advanced Tertium
* MSF-007TE Gundam Tertium
* OZ-06MS[NPD] Leo NPD
* PEN-01M Momokapool
* PFF-X7 Core Gundam
* PFF-X7/E3 Earthree Gundam
* PFF-X7/J5 Jupitive Gundam
* PFF-X7/M1 Mercuone Gundam
* PFF-X7/M4 Marsfour Gundam
* PFF-X7/V2 Veetwo Gundam
* PFF-X7II Core Gundam II
* PFF-X7II/BUILDDiVERS Re:Rising Gundam
* PFF-X7II/N8 Nepteight Gundam
* PFF-X7II/S6 Saturnix Gundam
* PFF-X7II/U7 Uraven Gundam
* PFF-X7R/ANIMA Gundam Anima [Rize]
* RGM-89BM Jegan Blast Master
* RMS-117G11 Galbaldy Rebake
* RX-78GP02R天 Gundam GP-Rase-Two-Ten
* RX-93N04 v-Zeon Gundam
* RX-零 RX-Zeromaru
* Valkylander
* XXXG-01S2龍虎 Gundam Jiyan Altron
* YG-III Gundam G-Else
* ZGMF-X19AK Gundam Justice Knight
* ZGMF-X20A-LP Gundam Love Phantom
Vehicles and Support Units
* Haro Fitter
* Haro Loader
Mobile Weapons
* AGP-X1 Alus Core Gundam
* AGP-X1/E3 Alus Earthree Gundam
* AGP-X1/NU Fake v Gundam
* AGP-X1/?? Dubious Arche Gundam
* AGP-X1/?? Reverse Turn X
* DT-6800EL Eldora Daughtress
* GAT-04EL Eldora Windam
* Guard Eye
* JDG-009X Eldora Air Brute
* JDG-009X Eldora Army
* JDG-009X Eldora Bull Brute
* JDG-009X Eldora Hover Brute
* JDG-009X Eldora Sea Brute
* JDG-009X-ELB Eldora Brute
* MSF-007SS Gundam Seltsam
* ovv-af Eldora Danazine
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE Info
Shinya Watada
Yasuyuki Muto
Yasunori Yamada
Atsuo Ishino
Tatsuto Higuchi
Shogo Yasukawa
Mechanical Designer(s):
Kanetake Ebikawa
Kenji Teraoka
Ippei Gyoubu
Fumikane Shimada
Kunio Okawara
Junya Ishigaki
Takayuki Yanase
Shinya Terashima
Character Designer:
Shuri Toida
Musical Composer:
Hideakira Kimura
26 episodes
Japan 10.10.2019 – 08.27.2020
Streaming 10.10.2019 – 08.27.2020