Magic Knight Rayearth is a TV series that aired in Japan from 1994-1995 and is an adaptation of CLAMP’s manga of the same name. Directed by Toshihiro Hirano, the series’ production staff includes CLAMP writer Nanase Ohkawa, mechanical designer Masahiro Yamane, character designer Atsuko Ishida and composer Hayato Matsuo. The story focuses on Hikaru Shidou, Fuu Hououji and Umi Ryuuzaki – three Japanese schoolgirls who are summoned to the world of Cephiro to protect it as its new Magic Knights. The series was released on home video in North America by Media Blasters, but it has since been re-licensed by Discotek Media.
Toshihiro Hirano
Nanase Ohkawa (CLAMP)
Keiko Maruo
Osamu Nakamura
Mechanical Designer:
Masahiro Yamane
Character Designer(s):
Atsuko Ishida
CLAMP (manga)
Musical Composer:
Hayato Matsuo
49 episodes
Japan 10.17.1994 – 11.27.1995