Gundam Reconguista in G is a TV series that originally aired in Japan from 2014-2015. In a first for the franchise, it aired concurrently with another series, Gundam Build Fighters Try. Franchise creator Yoshiyuki Tomino returned to write and direct his first Gundam series in 15 years following 1999’s ∀ Gundam. The series featured mechanical designs by Akira Yasuda, Kimitoshi Yamane and Ippei Gyoubu, with character designs by Kenichi Yoshida and a score by Yuugo Kanno. The series is set in RC (Regild Century) 1014, the era that followed after the devastation of the Universal Century. Young Capital Guard cadet Bellri Zenam falls in with Amerian military officers posing as pirates, and he becomes a central figure in a conflict that spans the Earth Sphere. After the series ended in 2015, Shigeto Kawata directed an OVA short titled From the Past to the Future. As part of Gundam‘s 40th anniversary celebration, Tomino returned to direct a series of five compilation movies, released from 2019-2022. The TV series streamed internationally and is available on home video in North America from Nozomi Entertainment, but the short and movies are not.
1 | Go! Core Fighter |
2 | Bellri’s Fierce Charge |
3 | The Legacy of Space |
4 | Love That Cries Out in Battle |
5 | Beyond the Peril of Death |
Mobile Weapons
* Armorzagan
* GH-001 Grimoire
* G-Rach
* Hecate
* Jahannam
* Mass Production Montero
* Moran
* MSAM-033 Gundam G-Arcane
* MSAM-034 Space Jahannam
* MSAM-034a Space Jahannam (Klim Nick Use)
* MSAM-YM03 Montero
* Neodu
* Recksnow
* Trinity
* VGMM-Gf10 Gundam G-Lucifer
* VGMM-La01a Dharma
* VGMM-La01b Dahack
* YG-111 Gundam G-Self
* YG-111 Gundam G-Self (Atmospheric Backpack)
* YG-111 Gundam G-Self (High Torque Pack)
* YG-111 Gundam G-Self (Tricky Pack)
* YG-111+BPAM-02 Gundam G-Self (Space Backpack)
* YG-111+BPAM-03 Gundam G-Self (Reflector Pack)
* YG-111+BPAM-05 Gundam G-Self (Assault Pack)
* YG-111+BPMF-01 Gundam G-Self (Perfect Pack)
* Zansgatt
Vehicles and Support Units
* Belay
* Crocodile class
* Fry-Schop
* Gavial class
* Ladle
* Megafauna
* Rattle-Python class
* Salamandra class
* Viper-Viper class
Mobile Weapons
* Bifron
* CAMS-02 Catsith
* CAMS-03 Elf Bullock
* CAMS-03P Elf Bullock Mass Production Type
* CAMS-04 Wuxia
* CAMS-05 Mack Knife
* CAMS-05P Mack Knife Mass Production Type
* CAMS-RX0 Gundam Unicorn 03 Phenex type RC (short only)
* Elf Bull
* Recksnow
* Recten
* VGMM-Git01 Kabakali
* Yggdrasill
Vehicles and Support Units
* Bruzin
* Doubey
* Garanden
* Langebein
* Single F-Rug
Mobile Weapons
* Bifron
* Elmoran
* Gaitrash
* Moran
* Neodu
* YG-111 Gundam G-Self
* Zacks
Vehicles and Support Units
* Alincato
* Guinea-Bissau
* Knossos class
Mobile Weapons
* Conque de Venus
* G-Rach
* Grod
* Mazraster
* Poligit
* Re G-IT
* Trinity
* VGMM-Gb03 Gaeon
* VGMM-Gf10 Gundam G-Lucifer
* VGMM-Git01 Kabakali
* VGMM-La01a Dharma
* VGMM-La01b Dahack
* VGMM-Sc02 Gastima
* Yggdrasill
* Zansgatt
* Z’Goggy
Vehicles and Support Units
* Crescent Ship
* Full Moon Ship
* Kashiba Mikoshi
* Triplet
NOTE: Units indicated with an asterisk (*) are available in Burke’s All the World’s Mobile Weapons or Burke’s Fighting Ships & Vehicles format.
Gundam Reconguista in G Info
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Shigeto Kawata (short)
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Mechanical Designer(s):
Akira Yasuda
Kimitoshi Yamane
Ippei Gyoubu
Character Designer:
Kenichi Yoshida
Musical Composer:
Yuugo Kanno
26 episodes; 5 compilation movies
Japan 10.02.2014 – 03.27.2015
Theatrical Release:
Japan 11.29.2019 – 08.05.2022